As much every bit we'd like to believe we live in an enlightened, accepting era, private stakeholders in our communities can hold on very tightly to traditional ideals. That's all well and proficient—unless your career is negatively affected by those archaic values. Teachers, in particular, are ofttimes scrutinized and judged a bit more finely than other professionals.

This is what instructor Nora asked virtually on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE! this past week. She writes, "I'thousand single and pregnant. I'm non showing even so, merely it'southward only a matter of fourth dimension. How am I going to be perceived? I work at a private high schoolhouse."

Nora, first of all, congratulations on your pregnancy. Second, here's what our customs of teachers suggest.

1. Get-go and foremost, remember that yous're a professional. "Are you a good teacher? Honestly, that is all that should matter." —Farrah M.

2. That said, there volition e'er exist naysayers. "I know I got the stink middle as a single mother from both peers and parents." —Corby K.

The good news? Your peers and parents don't evaluate and retain y'all. Bottom line, don't worry about opinions that have no impact on your professional life.

3. Information technology depends on the civilization of your schoolhouse. "I used to work in a very small district in Texas. Nosotros had a morality clause in our contract, and this was a public school! An unmarried teacher was pregnant, and the chief said she had to get married or go out. She left. The ironic part was that many of the parents in the district were single with kids from multiple relationships!" —Ann M.

"I accept a divorced friend with kids who taught at a religious schoolhouse. She was told to quit or wear her wedding ceremony ring to school." —Stephanie Southward.

4. Most people won't care. "I had an unmarried instructor in high school who had a infant dorsum in 1993. I wondered near the father, but no one cared or said anything. I couldn't wait for her to get back from her leave, though; no i was a better chemistry teacher than she was!" —Jennifer Due west.

"This was me! When I was single and pregnant with my commencement child, I never had anyone brand a comment or judge." —Jess M.

"Information technology's 2016. No ane cares." —Matt S.

five. Proceed your personal life personal. "I am a unmarried mother by choice. I got pregnant while teaching high school. My students know very little nearly my private life and many assumed I was married because I was pregnant. Others either never asked or didn't care." —Helena W.

The less they know, the less they can say.

half dozen. Relax and be confident in your choices. "Your personal life is nobody's business but your ain. This is 2016!" —Myrna P.

"Exist happy. Celebrate!" —Cassie T.

7. And, realistically … "If yous're married, they'll talk about you. If you're single, they'll talk about you. If yous're doing well, they'll talk virtually y'all. Get my migrate?" —Mary R.

What advice do yous have for Nora? Share in the comments.

Pregnant Teacher