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How to Make an Easy Fort in Your Room

Whether you have kids or not, making a blanket fort is a fun activity for all ages. how to make a fort in your room with a few simple steps to guide you along the way . Plus, b uilding a blanket fort in your bedroom  doesn't require much! With determination, blankets, pillows, clothespins, and a few other items, you'll have everything you need to ma ke the ultimate blanket fort  in your bedroom.  Feel free to loop your family in to not only get more helping hands  but to share  in  the joy of creati ng beautiful and silly memories.

When deciding how to make a blanket fort , you should first start by searching your bedroom for the best spot. Nine times  out of 10, within  the vicinity of your bed will be the ideal location . This is the case for 2 important reasons :

a. Your mattress is there . Let's be honest, you're probably not as spry as you used to be, so laying on the floor may not sound like your  cup of tea.  It's completely understandable  -- y o u're older and  deserve an upgrade from the days of floor  naps.

b. Your mattress frame makes the perfect base for drap ing sheets and covers . It's solid and will not topple over ,  so you can continue to enjoy your blanket fort  worry-free.

2. Gather the Goods

Once you've settled on the spot, it's time to gather the right tools  for constructi ng your bedroom fort. While it all depends on your home and how your room i s set up, the following may be of some help to get you started:  s b lankets , c ushions and p illows , c hairs , a large wooden dowel a broomstick or large stick will work), c lothespins , and h eavy b ooks .

3. Work on the Walls

The walls of your fort a re  the most important part  because if they are unsteady , the whole thing could  come tumbling down. To make sure your walls stand strong,  we suggest grabbing chairs with backs perhaps some dining room chairs  and placing them 5 f ee t away from your bed but next to each other around your mattress. It is up to you how large of a space you want your fort to be, so it is entirely up to you how many chairs to use. Just make sure you have enough seats  lined up f acing outward while the backs of the chair s are making a wall . Take advantage of your bed frame as well since it probably can be used to hold the blankets up in areas .

4. Layer with Linens

little girl helping put sheets on bed

Now that your fort has "bones," it's time to dress it up! Before p ull ing  out as many blankets and sheets as you can  and draping the m from one cha i r to the other , be sure to lay blankets down all around the ground  of the inside of your fort . While you'll have your bed inside the fort, filling the whole place with blankets will bump up the coziness level on the cozy meter .

As far as the roof and walls go, i t's nice to have really long blankets  to do the job , but if you don't, that's fine! You can always use some clothespins to connect two  together to make one  extremely large  blanket. Continue to  strategically drape s o that until there is no opening  into the blanket fort .

5. Secure and Make S turdy

eight clothespins

If you've made it this far ,  then you may be thinking that your fort is looking a little droopy. Well, now that you have a covering for the roof and  walls, you'll just need to make it  s turdy!  P lace heavy books on top of each chair seat so that they sandwich the blankets.

Before moving onto the other side ,  making the blanket taut, and p utting the heavy books  down  on the chair seats , it's a good idea to grab either a wooden dowel, broomstick, or large stick to place in the center of your fort like a column. This will make the roof higher and give you more space in your blanket fort .  If your mattress is in the center of your blanket fort , balance your  chosen pole against the mattress and let it stand vertically , lifting the ceiling into  a t eepee-like shape.

Find where you would like the entrance to be and use a clothespin to clip back the blanket like a billowy curtain. Search for any spots where the blankets look flimsy or that are  loose ,  and use the clothespins to help secure the fort .

6. Place Pillows

Go ahead  and get inside and make it cozy! Place pillows and cushions all around the inside of your blanket fort , making sure there isn't a single wall uncovered. If you have removable couch cushions, place them inside ,  as they do a really great job of adding comfort to the flooring of your fo rt.

Now's the part where you get to enjoy all your hard work! Bring in the books and a flashlight if you are looking for a quiet place to read. Play board gam es with your loved ones under a slew of string lights. Meditate and relax  with a little bit of light music . Take a peaceful nap. Eat some snack s  and watch a movie on your smartphone. The choice is yours now that you've built the most epic of blanket forts !

7. Fill with Fun

three kids sleeping in blanket fort

Now's the part where you get to enjoy all your hard work! Bring in the books and a flashlight if you are looking for a quiet place to read. Play board gam es with your loved ones under a slew of string lights. Meditate and relax  with a little bit of light music . Take a peaceful nap. Eat some snack s  and watch a movie on your smartphone. The choice is yours now that you've built the most epic of blanket forts !

While blanket forts  are fun to build ,  it's i mportant that they not only look inviting  but that they actually feel co mfortable  and cozy . Having a good mattress in your bedroom will ensure that your blanket fort is just as comfy as ever. Give us a call today if you're ready to replace your old mattress and turn these fort room  ideas into a reality.
