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How to Get More Downloads Out of Uploaded

Congratulations on developing your app! Now to the side by side hurdle: how to increase your app download. Later all, what's an app if information technology's not getting downloaded and used?

Just, did you know that at that place are currently over 2.87 million apps available right now on Google play shop? And i.96 million apps on Apple tree store.

These numbers must have you shaking in your boots, don't they? So, it's totally understandable if yous are wondering how to become your target users to install your app over all the others which are available. This is a challenge that many face today- a big 1 at that.

Because we'd like to see every bit many users as possible download and utilize your app, nosotros have put together the post-obit 10 very simple strategies to heave your app downloads:

Apply Popups

Popups are constructive tools you lot can use to promote your apps to visitors. Using them can help lift your download rate to twoscore%.

Why would you want to miss out on that? We go that popups tin be abrasive. This happens only when the popup is designed and timed wrongly.

Merely they don't take to. With Adoric, y'all can create personalized popups that permit you to promote your app to potential users.

Need proof?

This case study might interest you lot.  In it, nosotros shared graphic details well-nigh how Israel Post – the largest postal services company in Israel – was able to increment its Android and iOS app downloads by 580% and 980% respectively.

And they did this by merely using our popups.

Increase your app download

Use An Attractive App Icon

Your app icon gives the commencement impression of your app to a potential user. This is why it is important to pay attention to its design. It affects user behavior and tin can help increase downloads when done properly.

Y'all know why?

Studies show that the design of your icon tin can profoundly influence the download rate of your app.

As such, it really pays to put in the time and attempt into creating a bang-up app icon.

Your app icon conveys the identity of your app make. Therefore, it should be a close representation of what your app does and stands for.

Additionally, information technology should be attention-grabbing. This volition make your app hands stand up out from the thousands of other competing apps.

Like every productive piece of pattern, your app icon should strike a balance between existence flashy and simple. It should also be every bit straightforward as it can be. You don't want to give out unclear messages or a design that is but confusing to the eye.

100k app download

Ask for Ratings And Reviews

Ever wanted to download an app or purchase a product y'all aren't familiar with from an online store? You'd catch yourself looking for what other people had to say about information technology.

This is completely normal. It also applies to your apps.

Potential users will, more often than not, showtime wait at the reviews and ratings of other users before downloading your app.

This is called social proof.

Reviews and ratings are recommendations from other users which can increase your app downloads organically and exponentially, as well. They also affect how well you rank on an app store.

Information technology's a proficient manner to convince prospective users that your app is worth downloading.

Nonetheless, don't exist tempted to take the shortcut of fabricating reviews. App stores will have your app suspended if they find that there'southward foul play. Plus, you won't get honest opinions about your app'due south functionality.

Reviews too permit you to interact with your users. When you reply to comments and attend to complaints from users, you give potential users the assurance that you care near their opinions and are willing to take feedback.

This will as well go a long way to show your brownie, which volition in turn get you lot more app downloads.

Do bear in heed that as much as you might want to avoid getting negative reviews, they will most probable come. Thus, the all-time yous can practice is to keep them to the barest minimum.

The smart way to do this is to give your users the best feel within your ability. This should include existence responsive enough, answering and addressing their complaints swiftly.

With this, you'll even accept your users referring their friends and family unit members to download your app- meaning yet more downloads for you.

If y'all doubt that this works, I have only one question for y'all: when was the last time you downloaded a one-star rated app?

There are a number of ways to get reviews and ratings for your app. They are:

Enquire Using Popups

You tin can besides utilize popular-ups to prompt your users to requite a review or rate your app.

There's a catch though. It is advisable to wait till the user has used the app at to the lowest degree 3 times before asking for their reviews using a popup.

Also, meet to it that your popups aren't pesky. That is to say, it shouldn't go along actualization every time even after a user closes it.

If it does, your user may find the popups annoying and end using the app altogether. Now, you wouldn't desire that, would you?

Partner With Influencers

People value the opinions of influencers. That's why getting an influencer to drop a review or rate your app will endear people to your app.

In this case, influencers could be popular YouTube vloggers or critics of all things tech including mobile apps. You could fifty-fifty have them characteristic your app on their platforms.

Publicize Your App

If y'all don't publicize your app, how volition people know virtually information technology? And, in that location's no improve manner to go about this than going the route of a press release.

You lot only need to mention that you want feedback on your app.

In some cases, the media outfit in charge of your press release will have one of their employees review the app earlier putting out the release.

Use Incentives

Who doesn't like freebies? Give incentives like vouchers, redeemable points, or other prizes for every review or referral, and watch your app glow with recommendations and 5-star ratings.

App Store Optimization

App store optimization (ASO) is what yous do to optimize your app so that it ranks college in an app store.

Information technology's only similar search engine optimization (SEO) but instead of search engines, only that information technology works for app stores.

The higher your app ranks in app stores, the more probable it is to come up during searches, and the higher the chances that it'll exist downloaded.

Virtually people discover new apps by searching in app stores. In fact, Forester reports that search is responsible for 63% and 58% of all app discoveries for iOS and Android apps respectively.

Increase app downloads to 100k

And then, this goes to testify that ASO is worth the effort.

But, don't look results overnight. It takes consistent efforts to succeed at it. When yous eventually achieve the results you desire, don't rest on your oars. Continue improving on information technology.

Yous tin can as well A/B test different parts of your ASO strategy to run into which one works all-time.

Here are unproblematic steps you lot can take to brand App Store Optimization work best for you lot.

Use a Catchy App Title

Write app titles that are catchy, descriptive, and at the same time not too long.

Make it brusque just arrive worth looking at! Let potential users know what your app is all almost by barely looking at your app's title.

Your app championship should besides exist unique and then that your users don't get lost while searching for information technology. For example, if your app has a title that is like to 3,000 other apps in the store, the chances that your app volition be establish are slim.

So, you desire to put your creative cap on and come up with a title that'southward unique and so y'all don't drown in the body of water of apps.

One more reason your app championship must be solid is that different other aspects of your ASO, y'all can't keep changing it. Therefore, get a great title and stick with it.

Research Your Keywords

Keywords are equally important for ASO. Neil Patel found out that app titles with keywords rank 10.3% higher than those without.

Just as keyword stuffing can become you into trouble while conducting SEO, it can too for ASO. Repeating keywords or stuffing your app clarification with keywords is a sure-burn down way to take your app suspended.

Inquiry for keywords your app might rank for and incorporate them into your app championship and clarification. This will get a long manner to increment your visibility and make certain your prospective users notice your app.

Get Positive Reviews

Positive reviews past users tell the app shop algorithm that your app is popular and valuable. This makes it rank higher for it to be establish easily by potential users.

Leverage Social Media

Did you know that in that location are about iv billion people on social media today?

This makes social media only the all-time place to promote your app to get downloads.

Earlier yous rush off to put up social media posts, take a flake of time to strategize. There's nothing hard almost it, actually.

First, decide which social media platforms where your potential users hand out the most. This shouldn't limit yous to a particular one. It just shows you where to concentrate your efforts.

For instance, if your app is related to the beauty or manner niche, you'll find most of your audience on Instagram and Pinterest. If information technology's a business or career-related app, LinkedIn would exist your go-to platform. With Facebook and Twitter, almost any niche goes.

Adjacent, create content that allows you to engage your followers. Putting up posts that only speak entirely nigh your app and its features volition bore your followers later on a brusk while.

Put upwards helpful, engaging, and interesting posts regularly.

At the end of your post, add together a call-to-action button that allows users to download your app. Doing so tin can assistance to boost your app downloads.

The Freemium Arroyo

If you have spent a lot of coin developing and launching your app, nobody can fault you for wanting to monetize it.

But yous can't monetize a new app that people don't know about. As such, the freemium approach is the all-time way to market your app.

The freemium approach is simply a model that allows the app to be downloaded for free past users while allowing y'all to make money from in-app purchases or subscriptions.

Simply a small fraction of users will somewhen make a purchase – possibly 0.5-two%.

You've probably guessed already that freemium is a combination of the words "free" and "premium". The beauty of this arroyo is that your not-paying users assistance bulldoze traffic to your app.

This is an constructive manner to increase downloads for your app for free.

Phil Libin of Evernote once said that the easiest way to go i million people paying for an app is to go one billion people to use it.

Imagine you go a total of 100,000 app downloads. If ii% of this number, which is 2000 users, pay for an in-app product or go premium, yous'd still exist able to make some coin.

Imagine you made your app exclusively premium? It may take you a long while to garner a total of 2000 users that will pay for your app earlier downloading it.

Also, don't forget that your app'southward download charge per unit won't increment at ane go. Information technology will accept time. With this increase as well comes more acquirement for you lot.

The downside of this model, still, is that it may non apply to some kinds of apps such as utility apps. Utility apps are specialized apps that offer routine features like notes, to-practice-lists, reminders, calculators, etc.

Then, notice out if it works for your app type earlier adopting it.

Utilise Engaging Photos and Videos

Implementing visuals into your app page volition assistance to amend appointment. These include screenshots, photos, intro videos, how-to videos, etc.

Show off your user interface with real and properly designed screenshots of what your app will await like on users' screens and different aspects of your app while it's running.

engaging visuals for app

These are ordinarily the kickoff things people come across when they country on your app page. So, arrive worth their fourth dimension. While y'all're at information technology, you tin add arrows to characterization features of the app and point out the most important ones.

Have advantage of the video feature that app stores offering. Videos are known to accept a much higher conversion charge per unit than pictures. An intro video on your app page will go the extra mile to proceed a prospective user interested in your app.

When making videos, make certain they are non too long so as to avoid losing people looking to download your app.

You can also make an explainer video that details how your app works, the features, and what sets information technology apart from the others, after which you can upload to your social media or website.

Write A Articulate App Description

Your app description helps a potential user decide whether to download your app or not. While it may non contribute to making your app discoverable like the app championship, it's role comes in when the potential user lands on your app page.

The app clarification is your opportunity to "sell" your app. Make the almost of it by communicating the purpose of your app equally clearly as possible and highlighting its major benefits to the user.

Communicate, in clear terms, the benefits your app has to offering, and how information technology tin aid make a user'due south life better. Then weave in a concise call-to-action.

If you lot don't have the skills to write a compelling app clarification, go rent a copywriter.

Build An Online Presence

Don't stop at developing an app. Build a website and/or get-go a blog. Why is this necessary, you ask? Isn't social media plenty?

Well, the truth is that it's not plenty. Y'all need to accept things a scrap farther by launching and maintaining a website.

It volition serve as a sort of business base of operations that users can come to for information on updates, how to maximize the app, and other forms of educational content about your app.

With the existence of CMS tools like WordPress, you don't have to interruption the depository financial institution or exist a web development guru to create and launch a website. Y'all can get a domain and hosting space for as depression every bit $10. So, what are you waiting for?

Having a form on your business website is a good way to collect visitors' data for email marketing, newsletters, etc.

The best function is that you lot can also have a web log section where y'all share content related to your app.

For example, if you have a travel-related app, you could post content about the latest helpful travel hacks.

The more than you lot write and publish posts on your blog, the more visibility your blog will have on Google. And more than visibility ways more traffic – and more than traffic means more app downloads.

Localize in Multiple Languages

If you developed your app with a global audience in heed, why limit it to just 1 language? Who said your app should simply be developed in English?

Developing your app in multiple languages volition really assist to increment its rate of download. Equally proof, this study shows that localizing an app'south keywords can heave its download rate 7 times.

Many people in not-English speaking countries prefer to use apps in their native languages. Translating your app to common international languages such as French, Spanish, Russian, and Italian may be all y'all need to boost downloads for your Android or iOS app.

app language localization

Final Thoughts

No matter how cute and functional your app is, it won't become downloaded if you don't put any endeavour towards promoting it.

Increasing your app downloads doesn't take to exist equally difficult for you as it is for many. Plus, you may not fifty-fifty need to spend any money to get your target number of downloads.

By using some of the strategies we shared with y'all, you'll be well on your manner to 100k app downloads if that's what you want.

In applying these strategies, make sure your target audience's interest is your priority. That way, your app won't lose its relevance in the market.

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